Election Judges

Election judges play an important role in administering elections by ensuring the constitutional rights of voters are protected. Serving as an election judge is an opportunity to learn more about election processes and to provide a great service to the community.

Election Judge Qualifications

State required qualifications

To be an election judge you must meet all of the following state and city qualifications:

City of Bloomington desired qualifications

Time Off Work to Serve

If you are appointed to serve as an election judge, state law allows you to be absent from work without penalty if you have given your employer at least 20 days-notice.

Your employer may reduce your salary or wages by the amount you will receive for serving as an election judge. Additionally, your employer may restrict the number of employees who are serving as election judges to no more than 20 percent of the total work force at any single work site.

Training Required

Training is mandatory. The City of Bloomington will provide paid training (Regular Election Judge Training and Poll Book Training) prior to each election. Head Judges and Assistant Head Judges receive additional training.

Apply to be an Election Judge

First time election judges can apply here.

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Election Judge Training Links

Election Judges: You will receive a letter from the City with instructions on how to sign up for training. Click on this link to access the signup: FULLSLATE

RolePay Rate
Head Judges$15.00 per hour
Assistant Head Judges$14.00 per hour
Regular Judges$12.50 per hour