Surviving Spouse Rights New Jersey

New Jersey law affords surviving spouses important rights and benefits, including:

Surviving Spouse Rights In New Jersey If No Valid Will – Intestacy

What If I Am Left Out of the Will?

Surviving Spouse’s Right To An Elective Share – Election Against a Will

  1. The decedent retained a right of possession or income from the property;
  2. The decedent retained the power to consume the transferred property or revoke, consume, invade or dispose of the principal for his own benefit;
  3. Any transfer held at the time of the decedent’s death with another who held a right of survivorship;
  4. Any transfer as a gift within the two years preceding decedent’s death in excess of $3,000.

Surviving Spouse Allowances and Exemptions

Under New Jersey law, if a will contest is pending, the surviving spouse may apply to the court for a support and maintenance allowance from the income of the estate. The surviving spouse can also apply for a further allowance payable from estate principal or income to meet expenses incurred in conduct of a will contest.

A spouse is also entitled to exempt personal property up to $5,000 in value.

Exemptions from Transfer Inheritance Tax

The State of New Jersey imposes both an Estate Tax as well as a Transfer Inheritance Tax on the estates of resident decedents. There are several tax implications surviving spouses need to be aware of. Namely, qualified employment annuities paid to a surviving spouse are exempt from the transfer inheritance tax. It is advised that the surviving spouse consult with an experienced attorney in order to understand the tax structure on inheritances with regard to their rights.