Choose from a variety of interactive map viewers designed to make the viewing of specific topical areas streamlined and easy.
These maps allow users to zoom in to areas, identify further information on specific features and in some cases provide feedback.
MCATLAS mapping viewer, offering every mapping layer a user might need in one tool.
Official Zoning of Montgomery County; maintained by Montgomery Planning.
GIS applications from the Montgomery County government.
Find out if a property is affected by one, and submit feedback to our staff on potential issues.
This storymap allows users to measure tree canopy in urban areas of Montgomery County.
Watersheds in Montgomery County of regulatory significance.
Submit corrections or change requests against the Master Address database.
Search for homeowners and civic groups in Montgomery County and run queries for contact information.
A one-stop resource for all Montgomery County development information.
The development finder shows pending and recent projects received by the Montgomery County Planning Department.
Search and view development project descriptions, maps, plans, progress, and more.
This site offers a view of the current development pipeline for the County as approved by the Planning Board.
View the Index of Record Plats in Montgomery County based on clerk plat number or tax account number.
Get staging requirements and capacity for selected Master Plans.
Census Data in and around Montgomery County.
Find out of a property is on one of the numerous historic districts in the
A mapping tool showing historical patterns of segregation in Montgomery County
Share the places associated with AAPI history and culture that are important to you
Display of bikeway and bicycle parking station recommendations, and bikeway implementation prioritization.
Levels of traffic stress that people who bicycle experience on each public road and trail in Montgomery County.
The Interactive Crash Map displays 2015-2023 crash data to allow users to understand crash trends by neighborhood.
Roadway dedications, easements and reservations set aside for future right-of-ways.
Visualize and analyze all major traffic intersections in Montgomery County.
The Master Plan of Highways and Transitways provides guidance and tools for transportation improvements.
The Pedestrian Level of Comfort analysis quantifies how comfortable people feel walking in certain traffic conditions.